Saturday, 18 August 2012

Kids Bike Accessories

A bike for a child is more than a way to get around. It is their first form of independent transport as well as a great way to take off on their own and enjoy another level to their favourite games. For this reason, kids love to dress up their bikes to make them a little more special and allow them to bring things along to make their play more fun and make their bike fit with their personality and hobbies.

You can find some great kids bike accessories online, but first you should think about what kinds of accessories your child will most enjoy. For little girls, a great option is a basket or doll carrier. Girls tend to be a little more domesticated in their play and will love to act out being a parent of their own. A doll carrier on the back of their bike will give them the opportunity to carry their doll around safely, as well as imitate their own parents. Doll carriers should be lightweight and not too large as this can overbalance the bike and make it more difficult to ride, but you should be able to fit a sturdy yet light plastic version which will fit onto the bike and also fit their favourite doll inside.

Another option is a basket, in which they will be able to carry anything they like, from a lunch if they are going off to the park for the day, to any secrets or integral parts of whichever game they are playing on this particular day. You can get some sweet looking baskets in a variety of different colours which will match most kids bikes, and you could always give your child the option to decorate it themselves with paints, coloured paper and glue.

Boys tend to be a little noisier with their play and enjoy things which make mess or noise so look for something like a horn or hose which they can bring into their games. A horn is a great way not only for your child to make plenty of noise, but also to keep them safer on the roads - people are more likely to know they are coming if they hear the horn first and you could always teach your child to sound the horn before going around blind corners.

A hose or water pistol is also a great idea for a hot day as kids can let off steam and get a little messy without actually causing too much mess to themselves or others. You can get bikes with these already attached, or you could pick up something which attaches easily to the front handlebars, as long as the hose or pistol doesn’t trail in front of the wheels and make things more dangerous.

Finally, always remember the safety gear and get your child to pick out a cute helmet which matches their bike or features their favourite character. If your child is happy with the look of the helmet they are more likely to wear it and this can stop small spills from becoming anything more dangerous.


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